The Charities Challenge™

Our Charities Challenge video

For our Members

Full Members and Loughborough Members are eligible for the Hub’s own very achievable Home Charities Challenge. The rules and provisions are the same as for The All in One / The Loughborough Challenge but you only need 3 points over a minimum of two disciplines within one year. If you decide later to do The All in One / The Loughborough Challenge then your achievements can also count towards that.

A great way to get yourself going again and to put the pandemic to one side.

To take part you simply register as a Member and then send us an e-mail.

For Absolutely Everyone

The Rules of The Charities Challenge

There are no fixed rules to The Charities Challenge. You simply design your own challenge and set your own rules! We provide the infrastructure to support you.

Once your “Co-ordinator” has registered, you can publicise yourself on this website or download and present personalised Certificates to those taking part in your challenge as symbols of achievement, adding your own logo if you wish.

If you are looking for ideas then The Challenge Hub’s greater purpose is to promote learning, physical activity and social contribution but that really is only a suggestion.

Why would you design a challenge?

Challenges are a wonderful way to bring people together for a shared objective, to build community, to develop identity or for personal self-development. Every person and every organisation needs a different challenge to bring out the best in them and our Charities Challenge concept allows for that while also being part of The Challenge Hub network.

Who might do it?

Social or Community groups

If you are in a social or community group then why not run your own Charities Challenge? You can publicise yourself on this website if you wish and individual achievements will be certificated. Add your own logo to the certificates if you would like to. No social or community group is too small. Even a family unit is fine. Intergenerational is great.


As a charity, why not run your own Charities Challenge through us? Publicise yourself on our website.

Could you build community and pride for your service users – or groups of service users – by setting a common purpose with external recognition? We would love you to tell the world about it if you wished.

Do you have volunteers? Your Charities Challenge could be integral to a volunteer development programme which involves not only volunteering but also learning and fundraising.

One-to-one interventions / Social Prescribing

We believe passionately in the power of challenges which are very specific to the particular needs of a particular individual.

Let’s take examples: An elderly person agrees to the social contribution of serving meals in a day centre rather than to be served meals in a day centre. A person with severe anxiety agrees to the physical challenge of walking in a public place. Small steps. Another person, however, might take on our All in One or Loughborough Challenge and have an instant set of goals and structure for self-improvement.

Such a programme is entirely focussed on “self”. There are no external barriers to achievement. Positive outcomes should always be possible at some level.

Consider the psychological benefits of external accreditation by The Challenge Hub. A certificate of congratulations is a small thing but marks an independently acknowledged moment of achievement.

It’s so simple. Just:

  1. Nominate your Co-ordinator who registers with us
  2. Design your unique challenge to benefit your group, service users, volunteers or other stakeholders of any age (“Participants”)
  3. Register (through your Co-ordinator) your Participants as Associate Members of The Challenge Hub to give them access to our site, its information, inspiration and encouragement
  4. Operate your Charities Challenge in-house and achieve your social objectives
  5. Promote your Charities Challenge on our website if you wish
  6. When a Participant has completed his / her challenge then print out and present a Charities Challenge certificate as proper external recognition of the Participant’s achievement. You may add your own logo if you wish.

To Register

  1. Click on the “Register a Charity / Community” button and nominate your co-ordinator.
  2. You will receive a link through which your co-ordinator can register members or service users as Associate Members.
  3. Our relationship and all communication for purposes of The Charities Challenge is only with the registered co-ordinator and not with the Associate Member.
  4. When your member or service user has completed his / her challenge then use your co-ordinator’s link to print out a personalised Certificate for him/her.

*The Challenge Hub does not control and so has no liability for the actions or decisions of any Charities Challenge group or of its Co-ordinator.

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